HAS university
HAS University of Applied Sciences is a small specialized university in the south of the Netherlands. Food & agriculture, environment and business are the central themes. HAS can be seen as the Applied Science version of research University Wageningen (also know as Wageningen University of Agriculture) and was voted best educational and expertise Centre in the Southern Netherlands for the agri-food and environment sectors.
The perfect choice for students interested in topics like food, land, water, environment, that like to study in a practical and concrete way.
Bachelor Courses (Corsi di Laurea Triennale)
Business-management in Agriculture and Food
Horticulture & Businessmanagement
Unique Features
1. Best Dutch Specialized University
2. Third place in the list of 'Medium-Small Universities of Applied Sciencez'
3. The best university for those that love food or want to be the food innovators of the future.