our webinars
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Run by a Goingdutch expert, in collaboration with several Dutch universities
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Webinars explaining various courses
in a specific sector:
ICT & Data Science, AI & Games
Business, Economy, Marketing (Bachelors)
Masters in Business, Economy, Marketing & Entrepreneurship
Life, Health & Natural Sciences
Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management
Design, Fashion & Creative Technology
Social Sciences (Humanities)
Law, Politics & Security
Webinar generale
studiare in Olanda
Il sistema educativo Olandese spiegato
Requisiti per l'ammissione
La candidatura, come funziona
Come trovare alloggio
Organizzare la parte finanziaria
Trovare lavoro
Trasferirti in Olanda (Paesi Bassi)
I webinar sui varie corsi puoi trovare sul canale qui sotto
This is our WEBINAR channel
If our webinars do not appear below on the page, you can view them directly on our webinargeek channel (click here)