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Agronomist with Tablet

Van Hall Larenstein university

Do you want to contribute to a more sustainable world and work towards your growth  personale? 

Van Hall Larenstein University offers a range of unique  bachelor's & master's degree courses, in fields where the Netherlands leads the way.
So whether you are interested in the world of food & nutrition or international trade, if you are looking for a degree in the equestrian sports sector or if you want to work on the United Nations Sustainability Goals, VHL has the right program for you!

VHL has close links with international business and NGOs. This would allow you to put the theory into practice: in addition to gaining much-appreciated work experience during internships abroad, students  engage  in real cases in companies, with the help of professionals invited to give conferences. From the beginning you would develop  a professional network of students and colleagues from all over the world.


The peculiarities of the VHL

Three-year degree courses (Bachelor courses)

animal husbandry

Animals, Society & Business

Equine Sports & Business

Food Technology

international business

International Agribusiness and Trade

international development management


Masters Degree Courses

Agricultural Production Chain Management

Innovative Dairy Chain Management

Management of  Development

River Delta Management

Characteristics Unique
 Unique study programs in areas where the Netherlands is the absolute best:

n.1 exporters  in Europe (agriculture, food and flowers).

2. Combination of theory and practice

3. Over 4000 students and more than 40 different nationalities.

4. Career guidance.

5. Small class sizes, personal attention and teamwork with close student-teacher and student-student relationships.

uniquefeatures vhl
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