Windesheim is one of the best universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands offering two first-class degree programs taught in English: International Business & Global Project & Change Management.
Windeshein is regarded as highly qualified by both students and experts and has an excellent reputation for its personal approach and close cooperation with the professional world.
Two of the most important independent annual surveys for the Dutch higher education sector, "Elsevier" and "Higher Education Selection Guide" have placed us in the top three positions for many years.
Windesheim offers customized training to meet the needs of its students. At the end of your degree course, you will be able to specialize and distinguish yourself from other graduating students by choosing a subject of your choice. You will have the opportunity to study theories and learn how to apply them in various projects.
Windesheim is located in Zwolle, the capital of the province of Overijssel. A medium-sized historic city located on the rivers het Zwarte Water and Vecht.
Three-year degree courses (Bachelor courses)
International business
Global Project & Change Management
Characteristics Unique
1. Lots of personal attention for students
2.close collaboration with the world of work
3.Since many years in the top three positions in the ranking of professional universities (applied)